Volunteer with ANSAC

Looking for a way to give back to the defence force community? While enjoying great camaraderie and learning new skills along the way. Find out more about our volunteer roles. The roles & responsibilities of being a volunteer with us specifically

More than 9,000 Credit Union Volunteers in Ireland

The credit union movement is built upon the efforts of thousands of volunteers who give freely of their time and skills to their credit unions in the spirit of cooperation. Each credit union has a team of volunteers with the skills and knowledge to lead and manage that credit union. Many people are currently contributing their time and skills through a number of volunteer organisations. The credit union movement in Ireland and Northern Ireland currently has 9,250 volunteers.

The roles & responsibilities of being a volunteer with us specifically

Here at ANSAC we call our volunteers Reps, and while you might know who your local one is, you mightn't know exactly what they do. In a nut shell, they're our men and women on the ground who are available to have a face-to-face chat to you, our members, about your share account, ANSAC current account, getting a loan, using our EZ BillPay Service, joining our monthly members draw or opening up an account in the first place.

While we have plenty of information on our website and our staff are available on the phone (01 8554489), we understand that there's nothing quite like speaking to someone in person sometimes. And it works both ways of course. The feedback our Reps can give us about their direct dealing with you our members and the service you want from us is genuinely invaluable.

Many of our Reps, who're interested in further developing their skills sets, also pursue roles in our various committees which include (Audit & risk, credit, investment, membership, nominations & strategic). These Reps give of their time freely to attend committee meetings and where necessary receive relevant training in areas such as Ethics, Data Protection and Money Laundering. And we're delighted to share that some of our reps have gone on to take up professional roles in various Credit Unions around the country.


How to nominate a member for upcoming vacancies on our Board & Board Oversight Committee: 
Nominations for election must be completed on the relevant form which can be found here.
Nominee’s must secure a proposal and seconder, prior to returning their application via post to us at: The Nominations Committee, ANSAC Credit Union Ltd, 18 Drumcondra Road Upper, Dublin 9, D09XF86.
Completed nomination forms must be returned to us no later than 13.00hrs on Friday 15th November 2024 . Any application form received after this date will NOT qualify.

All prospective candidates, who have not completed Due Diligence in the previous 12 months, must attend a presentation either by Microsoft Teams or in our ANSAC Credit Union office on Monday 02nd December 2024. Alternatively, all candidates who have previously completed Due Diligence must inform the Nomination Committee of any change in their circumstances.