13 January 2023
AGM Notification
Dear Members,
We’re delighted to invite you, as a Member of ANSAC Credit Union, to our 29th Annual General Meeting which is taking place as follows:
DATE: Friday 20th January 2023
PLACE: The Clayton Hotel - Dublin Airport, Stockhole Lane,
Swords, Co. Dublin
K67 X3H5
TIME: 14.00
AGM Booklet: Please see an electronic version of our AGM Booklet here:
Click to Download the ANSAC AGM Booklet 2022
Alternatively, if you would like a hard copy of the booklet sent to you in the post, please contact our office on 018554489 / info@ansaccu.ie
Notice of Elections: Elections will be held at the AGM to fill six (6) vacancies on the Board of Directors, two (2) vacancies on the Board Oversight Committee and the position of Auditor.
The Nominations Committee have proposed the following candidates, for election by the general meeting, to be members of the Board of Directors and Board Oversight Committee respectively.
Board of Directors Nominations:
Patrick Casey
Kieran McMahon
Aidan Redican
Robbie Moore
John O’Brien
Philip Doran
Joanna Smith
Jason McEvoy
Board Oversight Committee Nominations:
Brendan Foley
Jason McEvoy
Anthony Kenna
Short bios on each of these candidates will be circulated at the meeting in advance of voting.
Nomination for the position of Auditor: Nomination for the position of Auditor must be in writing on the official nomination form available from the Credit Union office. All nominations must be signed by a proposer and a seconder, the proposer and the seconder being members of ANSAC Credit Union Ltd.
The nominee must be a public auditor. All nomination forms for the position of Auditor must reach the registered offices of ANSAC Credit Union Ltd by noon on Thursday 19th January 2023.
Please bring photographic I.D.
We look forward to welcoming many of our members there on the day. If planning to join us yourself, we kindly ask that you please bring photographic ID with you.
Parking tickets will be validated
Please also note that on arrival to the hotel car park you will need to take a ticket. This ticket will be replaced with a validated one at the meeting.
€500 Spot Prizes
And last, but certainly not least, all attendees will be entered into a draw on the day to win one of 5 x €100 spot prizes.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Kind regards,
Gillian Dunne,
CEO of ANSAC Credit Union Ltd.