29 January 2025
Open a Minor ANSAC Account for one or more of your grandkids this February & they could win €100!
Hello to all our ANSAC grandparents!
We've got some positive news...you can now open an ANSAC Minor Account for your grandkids, once they're under 16 years of age & resident in Ireland, even if they don't live with you in the same house! (At long last says you! 🙂).
Plus, open the account during the month of February 2025 and we'll enter them into a draw to have €100 lodged to their new ANSAC Account! Now that's what we call a super grandparent.
It gets better, if they're under the age of 2, they'll automatically get €20 lodged into their account.
Last but not least, once they're a member with us, they can go on to open an ANSAC current account too from the age of 12.
Here's how:
- Click on this link to print off our Grandparents application form.
- Fill out the form, making sure to get a parent/legal guardian to review and sign it if your grandchild is under 16 years of age.
- If your grandchild is aged between 9-15 years, they must co-sign the form along with their parent/legal guardian.
- Provide a copy of your grandchild's birth cert, copy of their parent's/guardian's valid Photo ID and Proof of Address.
- Once their account is opened, should you wish, you can set up a direct debit payment from your current account to help them on their savings journey!
All of the above can be securely uploaded to us via the ANSAC App which is available for download from The App Store or Google Play. Alternatively, you can post it to us at the address noted in the footer below.
Please note that while you'll be able to lodge money to your grandchild's account you won't have access to check the balance or make withdrawals.
If you have any questions or need help with anything above, please call us on 018554489. We're always happy to help!